Saturday, 7 July 2012

Geordie Shore: Gaz Beadle starts 'Bed of Shame' trend on Twitter

Is it not enough that we have to watch his conquests live on Geordie Shore, now Gaz Beadle has found the need to display the sleeping ones in still frames on social networking sites! Gaz, who is a star of the MTV hit reality show, has come under some serious heavy fire, as well as a few secret ‘good on ya’s’ from the public after this latest stunt, in which he takes photographs of his sleeping one night stands from the night before, the morning after. Encouraging others to join him, he started the craze on social networking site, Twitter, one Sunday when he posted his first picture of a sleeping female companion, accompanied by the caption: ’How many people r doing the walk of shame hahahaha #wakeupwitharandom #awkwardtaxihome.’ This prompted an influx of twitter responses of men in similar positions who also posted pictures of their non-memorable conquests from the previous evenings antics, with some of them semi-naked, and many of them unaware that they were being pictured. As with any Twitter craze there comes a hashtag to represent it, and this particular one created by Gaz, #bedofshame’, trended instantly, prompting Gaz to take to the site to express his appreciation,tweeting: ‘Loved #BedOfShame #awkwardsundays. Defo doing it again next week yer?’ Whilst many people joined in on the childish and insensitive prank, others were outraged by it, branding it ‘disrespectful’ and ‘disgusting’, however when the story was made public, via the Sun newspaper, the haters were soon outnumbered impressively by the sheep like following it seems to have gathered. One supporter (or hater, it’s not entirely clear which) wrote: ‘#bedofshame been slagged off by the paper, telln women to be careful. Ironically just increased the awareness of it for more lads.’ Another tweeted: ‘all this in news about this #bedofshame thing, tbh if your gonna go home with a random fella, you’re not “vulnerable”, you’re just a slag.’ And one post, retweeted by a huge amount of tweeters, read: ‘In fits about #bedofshame. Cracking bit of banter’. However it would seem that perhaps the big important people in Gaz’s life (ie the MTV producers we imagine) were not on the supporting side of this new craze, as he later released this twitter apology: ‘I’m truly sorry for my behaviour on Twitter I know I‘ve let you down. I’ve deleted the photos and comments and please will you do the same.’

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